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然而和“啤酒效应”一样,这突发的疫情打破了所有人的预期,并且各环节之间信息是不对称的,不会知道口罩的实际需求量到底会是多少,也不会知道这疫情到底会持续多久。各 为了保证供货的充足以及利益的 大化,势必会放大需求、备安全库存, 终就是需求被层层放大。

However, like the "beer effect", this sudden epidemic broke everyone's expectations, and the information between various links is asymmetric. We don't know how much the actual demand for masks will be, nor how long the epidemic will last. In order to ensure sufficient supply and maximize benefits, each node is bound to enlarge demand and prepare safety inventory, and finally the demand is enlarged layer by layer.


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